Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Vacancies: 514 Specialist Officer

Interested applicant, who wishes to register online for this position, must meet the following eligibility conditions
Applicant must possess degree in relevant discipline like for finance / accounts related post applicant should have complete degree in CA, for computer related post B.Sc (IT) or its equivalent.
Applicant minimum age for specialist office post is 21 years. Maximum age limit is different for each post so applicant needs to read original advertisement for post wise age requirements link to download advt given below under important links head. 
State Bank of India has own recruitment process and not rely on IBPS scores. Bank itself will conduct written exam test and according the performance suitable (merit basis) candidates will be invite for personal interview. Final selection will be based on marks obtained in written test and interview.
Application fee for general and OBC category candidates is Rs. 500 (Rupee five hundred only) and Rs. 50 for others.
Fee can be deposit online or offline mode. If applicant want to submit fee online mode. They need to use credit card / debit card or netbanking to complete payment process. But please not online payment should me made on 2nd working day after submission of online application and within 3rd working days.

If applicant interested to submit application offline then first submit application online and after this take printout of payment challan form and deposit fee and any branch of State Bank of India.
      Applicant need to visit www.statebankofindia.com or www.sbi.co.in website. Both website are official website of the bank. First click on recruitment link, now click on SBI specialist office recruitment advertisement and now click on apply online link and fill the application form online and submit after double check.    

Opening date for online application registration: 8.10.2012
Closing date for application registration: 28.10.2012
Make payment Offline mode between: from 10.10.2012 to 31.10.2012
Make payment Online mode between: from 08.10.2012 to 28.10.2012
Dates of Written Exam: 02.12.2012
Download SBI Recruitment Notification

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