Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Intelligence Bureau

Intelligence Bureau

Position: Assistant Central Intelligence Officer
Eligibility: Graduate
Location: All India
Last Date: 08-Aug

Post Name: Assistant Central Intelligence Officer

Qualification/Educational Criteria: Candidates who wish to apply for this post must posess the following skill and criteria: A Graduate Degree in any discipline from reputed University with knowledge of Computer Applications .

No of Post : 750/-

Age Limit(in yrs): Interested candidates who are appearing for this post should have the age of 18-27 years.

Pay Scale/Salary(in Rs.): Selected candidates would be eligible to get the pay scale of around Rs.9300-34800/-

Interested or desired candidate who wish to apply for this job may apply only through online. The online application receipt last date is 12th Aug 2013.



Position: PO / Management Trainees
Eligibility: Graduate
Location: All India
Last Date: 12-Aug

Post Name : Probationary Officers/ Management Trainees

Qualification/Educational Criteria: Candidates who wish to apply for this post must posess the following skill and criteria: A Graudate Degree in any discipline form reputed university with 60% marks .

Age Limit(in yrs): Interested candidates who are appearing for this post should have the age of 20-28 years.

Application Fees : Rs.600/- for General Category Candidates & Rs.100/- for Reserved Category Candidates.

Participating Banks in IBPS CWE for PO/MT :

Allahabad Bank 
Central Bank of India 
Indian Bank 
Syndicate Bank 
Andhra Bank
Corporation Bank
Indian Overseas Bank 
UCO Bank
Bank of Baroda 
Dena Bank
Oriental Bank of Commerce 
Union Bank of India
Bank of India
Punjab National Bank 
United Bank of India
Bank of Maharashtra
Punjab & Sind Bank 
Vijaya Bank 
Canara Bank
Any other bank or financial institution

Online Registration held from - 22nd Jul to 12th Aug 2013
Application Fees payment (Online) - 22nd Jul to 12th Aug 2013
Application Fees Payment (Offline) - 24th JUl to 17th Aug 2013
Download of Call Letter for Pre-Examination Training (PET) - 07th Oct to 12th Oct 2013
Download of Call letter for Examination - 07th Oct 2013
Online Examination (Tentative dates) - 19th Oct 2013/ 20th Oct 2013/ 26th Oct 2013/ 27th Oct 2013
Declaration of result of examination  - Third/ fourth week of November 2013
Download of call letters for Interview - First week of January 2014
Conduct of Interview - Third week of January 2014
Allotment - March 2014

Friday, 12 October 2012

Block Resource Persons posts in HSSPP Oct-2012

Haryana School Shiksha Priyojna Parishad (HSSPP)
Shiksha Sadan, Sector – 5, Panchkula –134105 (Haryana)

Online applications are invited for filling up of various posts of Block Resource Persons (BRP) on contractual basis in Haryana School Shiksha Pariyojna Parisad, Haryana 

  • Block Resource Persons (BRP) : 595 posts (119 posts in each of Hindi / Mathematics/ English/ Science/ Social Science), Age : 21-40 years, Pay : on a consolidated honorarium of Rs.23500/-  P.M. per month.
How to Apply : Apply Online on or before 30/10/2012 only. 

Please visit http://recruitment.cdacmohali.in  for details and Online application format.

NHPC is looking for promising, competent professionals for various posts, Apply Now – October 2012

National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited (NHPC) 
NHPC Office Complex, Sector-33, Faridabad - 121003 (Haryana)

NHPC Limited a “Mini Ratna” Schedule – ‘A’ Public Sector Enterprise of Govt. of India, is ranked as a premier organisation in Hydropower Sector having excellence in Planning, Designing and Executing Hydro Projects. NHPC is also endeavouring to take up Thermal Power Projects in India. 

How to Apply : Apply online at NHP website only from 1300 hours 15/10/2012 to midnight 05/11/2011.  Take the printout of the system generated registration slip in duplicate and send to following address on or before 20/11/2012 

Post Box no. 364, Amar Nagar Post Office, Faridabad - 121003 (Haryana) 

 Please visit http://nhpcindia.com/English/Scripts/recruitment.aspx  for details and online submission of application (from 15/10/2012)

Friday, 5 October 2012

Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission State Service Examination 2012 for 300+ vacant posts, Apply Now – October 2012

Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission will held a combined competitive state service examination for recruitment to the following 316 services/posts. Eligible candidates may apply only through online mode on or before 04.11.2012. 

All India Organic Farmers Society (AIOFS) Recruitment 2012 – 885 vacancies

All India Organic Farmers Society, Hisar invites applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment to the 885 post vacancies of Assistant Agriculture Officer, Jr. Agriculture officer and many other types posts. All interested candidates can apply by sending the prescribed format application form along with the application fees draft before the closing date. 
How to Apply for All India Organic Farmers Recruitment 2012?

Any candidates can download the AIOFS application form from the official website www.aiofsindia.com or can purchase from any job forms seller, then fill the form completely in own handwriting and attach all certificate for Qualification, Experience, Residence Proof etc and send it to the All India Organic Farmers Society, SCO- 170, 1st Floor, Red Square Market, Railway Road, Hisar – 125001, Haryana.

Check All India Organic Farmers Recruitment Notification :

HIL Recruiting Freshers as Management Trainees / Graduate Engineer Trainees

Company Name : Hindustan Insecticides Ltd

Educational Qualification : B.E / B.Tech / ICAI / ICWA / MSW / MBA

Experience : Freshers

Location : Delhi

Job Role : Management Trainees / Graduate Engineer Trainees

Lakshmi Vilas Bank Recruitment of Probationary Clerks All Over India

Educational Qualification : Graduates

Location : All Over India

Job Role : Probationary Clerks

Important Dates :

* Starting Date for Online Registration : 01 - 10 - 2012

* Closing Date for Online Registration : 15 - 10 - 2012

* Last Date for Receiving Demand Draft at Karur : 23 - 10 - 2012

* Tentative date of Written Examination : 11 - 11 - 2012

How to Apply :

Click Here for Official Notification & for More Details

Click Here to Apply Online

Can Fin Homes Ltd Openings for Freshers Any Graduate All Over India

Educational Qualification : Any Graduate

Job Role : Junior Officers

Job Description :

* He / She should be Graduate in Any Discipline from a recognized University / Institution with knowledge of computer operations

* The candidate must be able to speak, read & write in the local language of the region / area of the branch  for which he / she applies  for. He / She should hail from the same region / area of the branch. Others need not apply.

* Knowledge of driving two wheeler is essential and must hold valid driving license

Age Limit : Min 21 Years - Max 30 Years

How to Apply :

Click Here for More Details

Click Here for Application

HAL Openings for Freshers as Management Trainee @ All Over India

Company Name : Hindustan Aeronautics Limited 
Educational Qualification : B.E / B.Tech / Diploma / CA / ICWA / MBA / PGDM / MA / MSW

Job Role : Management Trainee
Name of The Post : Management Trainee ( Technical )
No. of Vacancies : 273 Vacancies
Name of The Post : Management Trainee ( Integrated Materials Management )  
No. of Vacancies : 25 Vacancies
Name of The Post : Management Trainee ( Finance )
No. of Vacancies : 20 Vacancies
Name of The Post : Management Trainee ( Human Resources ) 
No. of Vacancies : 25 Vacancies
How to Apply :
Eligible & Interested Candidates can apply though online mode from 3rd Oct 2012 to 19th Oct 2012

Candidates can pay their Registration Fee in all core banking branches of State Bank of India in opened Accountant No. 30969511830 on behalf of HAL

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Vacancies: 514 Specialist Officer

Interested applicant, who wishes to register online for this position, must meet the following eligibility conditions
Applicant must possess degree in relevant discipline like for finance / accounts related post applicant should have complete degree in CA, for computer related post B.Sc (IT) or its equivalent.
Applicant minimum age for specialist office post is 21 years. Maximum age limit is different for each post so applicant needs to read original advertisement for post wise age requirements link to download advt given below under important links head. 
State Bank of India has own recruitment process and not rely on IBPS scores. Bank itself will conduct written exam test and according the performance suitable (merit basis) candidates will be invite for personal interview. Final selection will be based on marks obtained in written test and interview.
Application fee for general and OBC category candidates is Rs. 500 (Rupee five hundred only) and Rs. 50 for others.
Fee can be deposit online or offline mode. If applicant want to submit fee online mode. They need to use credit card / debit card or netbanking to complete payment process. But please not online payment should me made on 2nd working day after submission of online application and within 3rd working days.

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Rajasthan Police new recruitment to the 10000 job vacancies under various trends Rajasthan

Rajasthan Police Admit Card download :
No Admit cards/ Admission cards will be sent by post to any candidates. Its the responsibility of the candidates to download their admission card by application number online from the website.

Rajasthan Police Written Test 2012 :
The written test for the recruitment of all categories of constables will be a objective type test of total 75 marks. Test will be consists of three parts, Part A, Part B and Part C will have questions from History, Geography, Culture and Arts of Rajasthan.

New qualifying criteria dashes hopes of many NET aspirants

The candidates blame the UGC for coming out with a last minute specification that an aggregate of 65 per cent in three papers was necessary for qualification for general category candidates. The qualifying minimum was fixed at 60 and 55 per cent for OBC and SC/ST/visually challenged/physically challenged categories.

Chhattisgarh Child Protection Committee Recruitment for 206 posts, Apply Now – September 2012

Chhattisgarh Child Protection Committee Recruitment 2012 Chhattisgarh Child Protection Committee invites applications for the following posts. Eligible candidates may apply before the last date. State Child Protection Unit 

Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) Examination for Secondary Education, Assam (4500 posts) – September 2012

Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) Examination for Secondary Education, Assam The first Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) for Secondary Education in Assam will be conducted in the last week of February, 2013 by the Government of Assam, in Secondary Education Department for which applications are invited : Graduate Teachers Number of vacancies : 4500

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Officers and Trainee vacancy Sep-2012 in IGCAR

Department of Atomic Energy (DAE)
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam – 603102

IGCAR offers excellent opportunities for Engineers Scientists and Technicians and is looking for bright, committed and dynamic Doctorates/ Postgraduates/ Graduates in Science/Engineering and Diploma holders in Engineering or ITI holders to join the Department for taking the R&D programmes related to FBR and fuel cycle technologies:

  1. Scientific Officer “E” (Library Science) : 01 post
  2. Scientific Officer “E” (Chemistry/ Physics/ Materials Science) : 01 post
  3. Scientific Officer “D” (Metallurgy/ Mechanical/ Manufacturing) : 01 post
  4. Scientific Officer “D” (Chemistry / Physics) : 01 post
  5. Scientific Officer “D” (Chemistry / Microbiology) : 01 post
  6. Scientific Officer “D” (Thermal Science) : 01 post
  7. Technical Officer “D” (Mechanical/ Mechatronics) : 01 post
  8. Technical Officer “D” (Physics/ Applied Physics) : 01 post
  9. Technical Officer “C” (Mechanical) : 02 posts
  10. Technical Officer “C” (Electrical and Electronics) : 01 post
  11. Technical Officer “C” (Computer Science / Information Technology) : 01 post
  12. Technical Officer “C” (Computer Science/ Physics/ Chemistry with Library Science) : 02 posts

Income Tax Delhi Sportman Posts Sep-2012

Income Tax department 
Office of the chief Commissioner of income Tax (CCA), Delhi-l
IIIrd floor , Central Revenue Building, l. p. Estate, New Delhi - 110002 

Recruitment of Meritorious Sportspersons in the income Tax Department , Delhi-1

Chief Commissioner of income Tax, Delhi-1 invites applications for the recruitment of the meritorious Sportspersons in different games/ sports :

  1. Inspector of income Tax : 05 posts, pay scale : Rs- 9300-34800 grade pay Rs 4600 
  2. Tax Assistant : 25 posts, pay Scale : Rs - 5200-20200 grade pay Rs.2400
  3. Stenographer Gr .II :07 posts, pay Scale : Rs-5200-20200 grade pay Rs 2400             Age : 18-27 years 
 How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format should  be sent to the Additional Commissioner of 
income -Tax (HQ-personnel) personnel, Room No. 378, III rd floor, Central Revenue Buiding, l. P. Estate, New Delhi-110002on or before 25/10/2012.

Jobs in Punjab National Bank for 2900+ posts of Single Window Operator, Apply Online – September 2012

Punjab National Bank invites online applications for following Clerical post from Indian citizens who have taken the Common Written Examination (CWE) for recruitment in Clerical cadre conducted by IBPS in Nov-Dec 2011: Single Window Operator Number of vacancies : 2985 Qualification : Graduate in any discipline with 50% marks

Jobs in Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited for various posts, Apply Now – September 2012

Applications are invited for the following posts for Rajya Sabha Television (RSTV) on purely contractual engagement basis and may extend upto three years. The completed form along with CV, copies of educational / experience certificates and registration fee of Rs. 200 (Rupees Two Hundred only) by cash or by demand draft 

MPPEB Recruitment 2012 Notification– 1035 Vacancies

MPPEB has invited applications from eligible and interested candidates for the vacancies related to the posts of Rural Agricultural Extension Officer and Soil Conservation Survey Officer. The total number of vacancies that has been notified by the MPPEB for the posts of Rural Agricultural Extension Officer and Soil Conservation Survey Officer on a combined basis is 1035
The total numbers of vacancies are to be further divided into the 2 posts mentioned by the MPPEB. The number of vacancies allotted for the post of Rural Agricultural Extension Officers is 904. For the post of Soil Conservation Survey Officer, the number of allotted posts is 131. These vacancies are to be further divided in to the various reservation categories that the candidates belong. This division would be purely on the discretion of the board and the government instructions.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

SSC North various posts Sep-2012

(Northern Region)
Block No. 12,  CGO Comllex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi -110003
SSC North various posts Sep-2012
Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Northern Region, Delhi , invite application for the following  posts in various Ministries/ Offices of the Government of India :

  1. Assistant Drug Inspector : 31 posts (17-UR, OBC-08, 04-SC & 02-ST) in O/o Directorate General Health Services, New Delhi, Pay Scale: Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-, Age: 18-30 years. 
  2. Data Processing Assistant Grade ‘B’ : 04 posts (03-UR & 01-OBC) in O/o NCRB, MHA, New Delhi., Pay Scale: : Rs.9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs.4600/-, Age : 18-30 years.
  3. Senior Technical Assistant : 25 posts (16-UR, 06-OBC & 03-SC) in AFHQ, M/o Defence, New Delhi., Pay Scale: : Rs.9300-34800 GP Rs. 4600/-, Age : : 18-30 years.
  4. Research Investigator (Forestry) : 01 post in M/o Environment & Forest, New Delhi.
    Pay Scale: Rs.9300-34800 with G.P. Rs. 4200/-, Age: 18-30 years
  5. Technician : 13 posts (UR-8, OBC-04 & SC-01) in O/o National Centre for Disease Control, Delhi., Pay Scale: Rs.9300-34800 with G.P. Rs. 4200/- , Age: 18-25 years
  6. Assistant (Legal) : 04 posts  (UR-02, SC-01 & 01 reserved for OH/OBC) in M /o Law & Justice, New Delhi., Pay Scale: Rs.9300-34800 with G.P. Rs. 4600/-, Age: 18-30 years
  7. Research Assistant : 08 posts (UR-03, OBC-03 & SC-02) in O/o National Centre for Disease Control, DGHS, Delhi., Pay Scale: Rs.9300-34800 with G.P. Rs. 4200/-, Age: 18-30 years
  8. Wildlife Inspector : 01 post (UR) in O/o Wildlife Crime Control Bureau, New Delhi.
    Pay Scale: Rs.5500-9000/-, Age: 18-30 years
  9. Security Assistant  : 01 post (UR) in O /o National Museum, New Delhi., Pay Scale: Rs.9300-34800 G.P. Rs. 4200/-, Age: 18-28 years
  10. Research Assistant : 02 posts (UR-01 & SC-01) in O/o Town & Country Planning, New Delhi.
    Pay Scale: Rs.9300-34800/- G.P. Rs. 4600/-, Age: 18-30 years
  11. Assistant Curators : 11 posts  (UR-05, OBC-04, SC-01 & ST-01) in O/o National Museum, New Delhi., Pay Scale: Rs. 9300-34800/- G.P. Rs. 4200/- , Age: 18-30 years
  12. Assistant Curator (Arabic Manuscripts) : 01 post (UR) in the O/o National Museum, New Delhi.
    Pay Scale: Rs. 9300-34800/- with G.P. Rs. 4200/-, Age: 18-30years
  13. Senior Research Assistant : 01 post (OBC)  in O/o Central Water Commission, NOIDA
    Pay Scale: Rs.9300-34800/- + G.P. Rs. 4200/-, Age: 18-28 years
  14. Botanical Assistant : 02 posts (UR-1, OBC-1) in O/o Botanical Survey of India, Jodhpur.
    Pay Scale: Rs.9300-34800/- + G.P. Rs. 4200/-, Age: 18-30 years

LNUPE Faculty and other posts Sep-2012

Lakshmibai National University of Physical Education (LNUPE)
Government of India, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports
Shakti Nagar, Race Course Road, Gwalior – 474002 (MP)

  1. Professor in Physical Education : 04 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 37400-67000 AGP Rs. 10000/-
  2. Associate Professor in Physical Education : 03 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 37400-67000 AGP Rs. 9000/-
  3. Assistant Professor in Physical Education : 03 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100 AGP Rs. 6000/- 
  4. Assistant Professor : 03 posts (Exercise Physiology-1, Health Education -1, Medicine-1), Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100 AGP Rs. 6000/- 
  5. Deputy Registrar : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100 AGP Rs. 7600/-  
  6. Assistant Registrar : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100 AGP Rs. 5400/-  
  7. Life Guard-cum-Instructor (Swimming) : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs. 9300 - 34800 GP Rs. 4200/-
  8. Supervisor Grounds : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 GP Rs. 2800/- 
  9. Compounder : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 GP Rs. 2800/-
  10. Junior Hindi Translator : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 GP 2800/-
  11. Lower Division Clerk : 02 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 GP 1900/-
  12. Electrician : 02 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 GP 1900/-

Thursday, 20 September 2012

UPSC Geologist Examination 2012 – 382 Vacancies

Union Public Service Commission has earned a reputation of being a frequent provider of employment opportunities for the deserving candidates throughout the country. UPSC operates on numerous levels nationally and this includes central as well as state level operations. Candidates are always in the lookout for UPSC job vacancies because it covers almost all the major fields of job, which ensures employment opportunities for people related to all genres of work. 
The Union Public Service Commission has issued notifications for the recruitment process to be held for the posts of Geologists. 
The qualifying candidates will have to submit their applications by 15th October 2012

NALCO Openings for Graduate Engineers All Over India

National Aluminium Company Limited(NALCO) ,a Navratna Company is the largest integrated Alumina- Aluminium complex of Asia having State of Art technology. Incorporated in 1981, as a public sector enterprise of the Government of India National Aluminium Company Limited (Nalco) is Asia's largest integrated aluminium complex, encompassing bauxite mining, alumina refining, aluminium smelting and casting, power generation, rail and port operations. Commissioned during 1985-87, Nalco has emerged to be a star performer in production, export of alumina and aluminium, and more significantly, in propelling a self-sustained growth

NALCO will recruit 61 (Sixty One) Graduate Engineers from Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering 2013 scores (GATE 2013 Scores)

* Reservation of posts for SC / ST / OBC / PWD will be as per Government guidelines

* The eligible candidates those who are interested to apply for the above disciplines in NALCO needs to appear in GATE 2013 examination as per the instruction and time lines notified by GATE 2013

Recruitment of Graduate Executive Trainees (GET) in RITES (65+ posts), Apply Now – September 2012

Applications are invited from young, dynamic, energetic and motivated persons of Indian Nationality for the position of ‘Graduate Executive Trainee’ (GET) in RITES for its different projects. A Competitive examination for recruitment to the post of GRADUATE EXECUTIVE TRAINEES (GET) in RITES will be held on 25.11.2012

Recruitments in Indian Oil ,150 Post Graduates (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics), Apply Now – September 2012

Indian Oil Offers Unique Opportunity to 150 Post Graduates (with industrial experience) in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics to join as Assistant Officers For the first time, Indian Oil is offering career opportunities to the post graduates (with industrial experience) in following disciplines as Assistant Officers : Assistant Officers Physics Chemistry Mathematics

Detail of the Advertisement published

Jobs in MECON Ltd. for Management Trainees Technical (MTT), Apply Now – September 2012

MECON LIMITED, India’s frontline engineering, consultancy and contracting organization, offers excellent opportunities to Energetic, Vibrant, Ambitious young Engineering Graduates in Mechanical & Civil disciplines for the post of Management Trainees Technical (MTT). 
Management Trainees Technical (MTT) Discipline

Jobs in Container Corporation of India Ltd. (CONCOR) for the posts of Management Trainee, Apply Now – September 2012

Container Corporation of India Ltd. (CONCOR), a Blue-chip Miniratna Public Sector Undertaking under the administrative control of Ministry of Railways is the leader in the field of Containerized Multimodal Logistics Services in India.
CONCOR is looking for talented, vibrant and committed Management Trainees