Thursday, 27 September 2012

MPPEB Recruitment 2012 Notification– 1035 Vacancies

MPPEB has invited applications from eligible and interested candidates for the vacancies related to the posts of Rural Agricultural Extension Officer and Soil Conservation Survey Officer. The total number of vacancies that has been notified by the MPPEB for the posts of Rural Agricultural Extension Officer and Soil Conservation Survey Officer on a combined basis is 1035
The total numbers of vacancies are to be further divided into the 2 posts mentioned by the MPPEB. The number of vacancies allotted for the post of Rural Agricultural Extension Officers is 904. For the post of Soil Conservation Survey Officer, the number of allotted posts is 131. These vacancies are to be further divided in to the various reservation categories that the candidates belong. This division would be purely on the discretion of the board and the government instructions.

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