Wednesday, 5 September 2012

HECL Recruitment of Site Engineers on Contract Basis - HEAVY ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED Notification September 2012

HECL, India invites applications from young, dynamic and energetic persons for the posts of Site Engineers on Contract Basis for two years for its Project site at Krishnashila Coal Handling Plant under NCL at Beena, Dist-Sonebhadra, Uttar Pradesh.

Age Limit : The candidate should not be more than 50 years of age 

Eligible candidates should apply to The Senior Manager (P), HEC Ltd, Headquarter, Personnel &
Administration Division, Plant Plaza Road, Ranchi-834004 “as per the prescribed format by Speed post or Courier Service so as to reach us on or before 10.09.2012 (Monday).

Last date : September 10, 2012

The willing candidate, however, have to inform the above authority by sending an e-mail attaching a copy of the Application, at the under mentioned e-mail address on or before 04.09.2012 .

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