Friday, 14 September 2012


Management Trainees,Industrial Engineering,Corporate Communication,Human Resource Development,  Jobs & Vacancy in Management at  Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited, Sep 2012
About the organization
RCF as a corporate body and Government of India undertaking is responsible to the people of India,  the Government as owner, Government as Government, Consumers, Employees, the Society at large and Posterity. The company is simultaneously accountable to all these agencies who have a stake in it’s successful operation, growth and welfare.Keeping these aspects in view, RCF has set for itself the following corporate goals -To help increase the national agricultural productivity by providing agricultural inputs and services.To provide the above inputs and services with least consumption of real resources and at least cost.To obtain for it’s employees as decent a standard of living and as good a quality of life as possible, consistent with the general socio-economic conditions in the country.To secure as high a return on the rate of investment as possible, keeping in view the requirements of other competing objectives.
Tentative Last Date : 25-09-2012
Address :
Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited (RCFL)
(A Government of India Undertaking)
Administrative Building, Chembur, Mumbai – 400074

Click above to view the vacancy details

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