Sunday, 5 August 2012

Aligarh Muslim University - Jr. Lab. Assistant /Technical Asstt/Statistical Assistant

Applications on the prescribed form are invited for the following posts by 14.08.2012
The number and nature of the posts may vary at the time of interview. Higher initial start may be given to the candidates possessing exceptional qualifications and experience.

Post :
Technical Asstt (Food Technology), University Polytechnic (1)
B.Sc with Chemstry as a subject with two years experience of working in as analytical laboratory OR M.Sc (Physics / Chemistry OR Diploma in Chemical Engineering / Food Engineering /Mechanical Engineering with at least three years of working experience in operation repairs in an educational / research Institute or repute.

Statistical Assistant, Registrar's Office (1)
At least Second class Master's degree in Mathematics with Statistics OR M.A. /M.Sc. in Statistics OR M.A. in Economics with Statistics OR M.Com. with Statistics Desirable: Certificate course in Computers from recognised Institution or one year experience in Programming or Data Processing.

Jr. Lab. Assistants, Dept of Applied Physics (02)
High School with Trade Certificate from I.T.I.OR Senior Secondary School Certificate (Science)/ Intermediate (Science) with one year experience in the relevant field after passing SSSC / Intermediate (Science). OR Secondary School Certificate (Class Xth) / High School (Science) with three years experience in the relevant field after passing SSC/ High School (Science)

Jr. Lab. Assistant, (Civil) (Surveying & Environment),
University Polytechnic (1)
Secondary School Certificate (Class X)/High School (Science) with Trade Certificate from I.T.I. OR Senior Secondary SchoolCertificate (Science)/ Intermediate (Science) with one year experience in the relevant field after obtaining Senior SecondarySchool Certificate (Science)/Intermediate (Science) or equivalent examination. OR Secondary School Certificate (ClassX)/High School (Science) with three years experience in the relevant field after obtaining Secondary School Certificate (ClassX) /High School (Science) .

Carpenter, Building Department (1)
Secondary School Certificate (Class X)/High School with Certificate in Carpenter trade from I.T.I./recognised Technical Institution. OR Secondary School Certificate (Class X)/High School with eight years experience in the relevant field after passing Secondary School Certificate/High School.

1. Applications received late or without necessary supporting documents, Degree/Certificates/ Marksheets and experience certificate not attested by the Head of the Department / Institution / Gazetted Officer or not accompanied
by full prescribed fee shall be rejected summarily.
2. The eligibility of candidates will be determined as on the last date of submission of employment forms.
Note: Those who have already applied earlier against the advertisement No.2/2008 dated 11.05.2008 for the posts mentioned at Sr. Nos. 2, 4 and 5 need not apply again. They will be considered on the basis of their previous applications if found eligible.

Last Date : 14 August 12
Click Here For More Details:

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