Sunday, 26 August 2012

FOOD CORPORATION OF INDIA(FCI)-Recruitment -2013- Assistant Grade-III

CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003

(A Government of India Undertaking)   
Combined Recruitment for Assistant Grade-III in General, Depot, Technical and Account  Cadres in the FCI, 2013  
Online Applications are invited from Indian Nationals for the following 6545 posts of Assistant Gr.III  in FCI to be recruited by Staff Selection Commission (SSC), Government of India : 
FCI - North Zone 

  1. Assistant Grade-III (General) : 516 posts
  2. Assistant Grade-III (Accounts) : 238 posts
  3. Assistant Grade-III (Technical) : 1652 posts
  4. Assistant Grade-III (Depot) : 617 posts
FCI - East Zone 
  1. Assistant Grade-III (General) : 85 posts
  2. Assistant Grade-III (Accounts) : 142 posts
  3. Assistant Grade-III (Technical) : 411 posts
  4. Assistant Grade-III (Depot) : 1115 posts
FCI - South Zone 
  1. Assistant Grade-III (General) : 156 posts
  2. Assistant Grade-III (Accounts) : 134 posts
  3. Assistant Grade-III (Technical) : 631 posts
  4. Assistant Grade-III (Depot) : 738 posts
FCI - West Zone 
  1. Assistant Grade-III (General) : 62 posts
  2. Assistant Grade-III (Accounts) : 47 posts
  3. Assistant Grade-III (Technical) : 474 posts
  4. Assistant Grade-III (Depot) : 286 posts
FCI - North East Zone 
  1. Assistant Grade-III (General) : 39 posts
  2. Assistant Grade-III (Accounts) : 89 posts
  3. Assistant Grade-III (Technical) : 113 posts
Pay Scale: Rs.9300-22940/- (IDA pattern)
Age  27 years as on 01/08/2012. Age relaxation to reserved categories as per rules.
Application Fee : Rs. 200/- only through State Bank of India SBI either in the form of Challan or net banking.
Examination will conducted on  11/11/2012.
How to Apply : To Apply Online  from 25/08/2012 to 19/09/2012 

CLICK HERE-for part 2 registration  up to 21/09/2012 for Part-II Registration.  

 FCI  website :  CLICK HERE

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