Monday, 27 August 2012

Merit-cum-Means Scholarship Scheme for Higher Secondary level, Diploma, Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students funded by West Bengal Government, India 2012-2013

Course Level:Higher Secondary level, Diploma , Undergraduate, Postgraduate
Scholarship Provider: West Bengal Government
1) For Scholarships at Higher Secondary level-At least 75% in aggregate in Madhyamik Pariksha or its equivalent as stated above excluding optional elective subject. Students who are enrolled in Class-XI on passing the Madhyamik Pariksha or its equivalent examination in 2012 will be eligible to apply.
2) For the Under Graduate level scholarships- Candidates must obtain at least 75% marks, consisting of two language subjects and three best elective subjects. Students who are enrolled in the first year of Under Graduate Course after passing the H.S. Examination or its equivalent as stated above in 2012 will be eligible to apply.
3) For scholarships at Diploma (Polytechnic) level – Students who are enrolled after passing-out in Secondary (M.P.) Examination or its equivalent as stated above in 2012 for first year Diploma (Polytechnic) courses [H.S. Examination or its Equivalent for Diploma in Pharmacy or Modern Office Practice & Management of 2 year duration ] and after passing-out in ‘West Bengal State Council of Vocational Education & Training’ courses which is equivalent to H.S. Examination for 2nd year Diploma (Polytechnic) courses on lateral entry basis will be eligible to apply. Candidates must obtain at least 75% marks in aggregate [excluding the marks secured in the optional elective subject, if any]
4) For the Post-Graduate level scholarships – At least 55% marks in Honours subjects at the Graduation levelAt least 55% marks in Honours subjects at the Graduation level. Students who are enrolled in the first year class of Post Graduate Course in general education after passing the Graduation with Honours in 2012 will be eligible to apply.
For Scholarships at Higher Secondary level (@ Rs.500/- p.m.)
-For the Under Graduate level scholarships (@ Rs.750/- to Rs.1500/- p.m.)
-For scholarships at Diploma (Polytechnic) level (@ Rs. 750/- p.m.)
-For the Post-Graduate level scholarships (@Rs.1200/- to Rs.1400/- p.m.).
Application Deadline: 30th November, 2012
OFFICIAL SITE                                                                                         

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