Sunday, 5 August 2012

AMU ALUMNI ASSOCIATION-Scholarships for 2012-2013

The Muslim Social Uplift Society (MSUS)
Shamshad Market Aligarh

 Invites Applications for

Awarded by
 AMU Alumni Association of Northern California
(Open to All, about 200 Scholarships)

Application Form is to be submitted along with copies  of one set of Marksheet and other documents.

Application Forms may be downloaded by clicking on the link below.

Last date for submission of Applications is August 27, 2012 (3-5 PM at MSUS office)


i)  Highly Meritorious & Economically Needy (Min. Average marks 65%)

ii) Applicant should not be in receipt of any Scholarship/Financial Aid of more than Rs.300.00 pm from any other source.

iii) M. Tech. students and M.Phil./Ph.D. Scholars shall not be considered. 

iv) All short listed candidates will be interviewed by a committee in Aligarh.

v) Those students who have received Scholarship/financial assistance from AMUAA of Northern California during previous years must indicate information in the prescribed column, and attach a brief statement (100-150 words) describing how the scholarship award from AMUAA-CA helped in pursuit of his/her academic goals at AMU, failing which application will not be accepted. Please include full name and Enrollment Number on the statement sheet.   

Click Here to Send Email

Instructions For Filling up Scholarship Application Form 2012-2013   

Candidates should fill up Application Form and attach only one set of Marksheet and Other documents.

While filling up Application the following points must be kept in mind.

1. Use Black Pen and legible capital letters. Illegible/incomplete and carelessly filled-in-Applications are liable to be rejected.

2. Educational Qualification should be entered in order as per Application.
3. Percentage of Marks must be accurate upto two place after decimal.

4. Some Boards for the improvement of division include certain marks of additional subject in the total marks (Numerator) without corresponding addition in the Denominator. In such cases while calculating percentage either the additional marks be deducted from the Numerator or corresponding addition in the Denominator be made.

5.  All applicants must enter a functional email address in the application form.  Successful candidates will be invited for interview. Interview date and award information will be communicated by email ONLY.
All decisions by the selection committee are final.

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