Wednesday, 29 August 2012

West Bengal Postal Circle Recruitment 2012 Postal Assistant 406 vacancies

West Bengal Postal Circle invites recruitment application for filling upPostal Assistant and Sorting Assistant Vacant posts. Aspirants having enough and suitable qualification approved by Govt may apply with application form in prescribed format. Contender first must access official portal of WB postal circle and finally they are requested to fill up hard form with original profile. After complete application form, aspirants are requested to send application form to given West Bengal Postal official recruitment address;
Age limitation: Contender must have age in criterion 18-27 years. Aspirants having reserved quota, may have age relaxation as per Govt standard.
Academic qualification: have completed 12th with 60% from any recognized board.

Application fee: Aspirants are charged Rs 200/- and Rs 50 for Gen/OBC and reserved category respectively and in form of Indian postal office.
Application procedure: Aspirants first need to download application form or they can purchase application form through nearest Indian post office. Now after getting application form, aspirants will have to fill up and stuff application form with required information of personal and academic. Now after aspirants will have to attach attested testimonial with application form and finally release to official address;
Direct Recruitment Cell,
New West Bengal HO,
New West Bengal-110001

Important Dates:
Last Date for Sale of Application Closes: 25th Sep 2012
Last Date for Receipt of Application: 1st Oct 2012

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