Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Delhi Post Office Recruitment 2012 details

If you're looking for a government job in Delhi then we have great news for you. Delhi Postal Circle comes has issued new direct recruitment project for the year 2012 for postal assistant and sorting assistant. According to the official advertisement applicant need to apply through prescribed application format only. Read rest of the Delhi Post Office Recruitment 2012 project for detailed information.
Sr No
Post Name
No of vacancies
Postal Assistant
Sorting Assistant

Candidates who selected and get appointment letter will get salary under pay scale of Rs. 5200 (Rupee five thousand and two hundred only) to Rs. 20,200 (Rupee twenty thousand and two hundred only) plus grade pay of Rs. 2400 (Rupee two thousand and four hundred only) + admissible allowance. 
Eligibility Criteria
Candidates who want to apply for posting assistant or sorting assistant post have to complete following eligibility criteria. 
Candidates should not be more than 27 years and not less than 18 years. +5 years age relaxation for SC/ST, +3 years for OBC. For more clarification about age limit and relaxation please download full advertisement available under important link heading. 
10+2 or 12 with 60% is minimum academic qualification for Delhi Post Office postal and sorting assistant post with English as compulsory subject. 5% relaxation for OBC cast and 15% for SC/ST, this means their minimum percentage required 55% and 45% respectively.  
Knowledge of local language of State/UT of the Delhi Postal Circle or Hindi as subject at list in 10th or metric.  
Selection and Application Procedure
Applicant will be select on the basis of merit / marks obtained in 10+2. Selected candidates will be inviting for Aptitude Test, Typing Test/Computer Test. Examination fee is Rs. 200 for General (SC/ST/PH candidates are exempted from fee) and fee should be deposit in the concerned Post Office of the circle and obtain ACG-67/UCR receipt. 
Candidates may purchase application form in Rs. 50/- all All Head Post offices and identified Post offices in the Circles from 11.8.2012 to 25.9.2012. All candidates have to purchase application form, no relaxation for any category candidates  
After fill this prescribed application form send to Direct Recruitment Cell, New Delhi Head Quarter, New Delhi-1100010 through speed post or registered post.

Important Dates
Closing Date for Sale of Application Closes: 25.9.2012
Closing Date for Receipt of Application: 1.10.2012
Last Date for Receipt of Application (far flung areas): 11.10.2012  

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